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 Auto Glass Glossary: PVB, Primer, and Quarter Glass

Auto Glass Glossary: PVB, Primer, and Quarter Glass

Three more words in the Suncoast Auto Glass Glossary of helpful terms that will see you through any vehicle repair or replacement. Knowing industry terms can help you feel more confident and prepared when the unexpected happens. In case there’s not enough explanation here for you, the helpful technicians at Suncoast Auto Glass area always happy to discuss processes and procedures in detail.

Polyvinyl Butyral: Often abbreviated PVB, this vinyl is sandwiched between two pieces of glass to make up a vehicle’s windshield. Click here to see how windshields are made.

Primer: Similar to how primer prepares your walls to be painted, primer in the auto glass world prepares your vehicle’s glass to be sealed. Primer is a liquid that cleans out the damaged area in preparation for the adhesive (at Suncoast Auto Glass, we use Sika or Dow automotive adhesives).

Quarter Glass: Quarter glass is a small piece of glass, often triangular, that sits between the rear door and the rear windshield glass. Most of the time, quarter glass is there primarily for added visibility and cannot be opened.